Our Founder Lou Hammond recently provided insights regarding the future of travel to Tamara Thiessen for Forbes. Read a snippet of the article below with her thoughts:
In the post-Coronavirus travel world, most Americans will holiday at home, and travel by car. The combined effect of ongoing international travel bans, easing but not over lockdowns, and the desire to stick close to home (now we’ve all grown so used to them!) will fuel that trend experts say.
Lou Hammond, founder of the tourism and hospitality agency of her name, tips regional and domestic U.S. travel to thrive in 2020 as a result. As soon as people get the go-ahead, they’ll be off she says. “Vacation is considered a right, perhaps more this summer than ever. However, travel planning must be easy and not too far from home.”
The predictions are backed by a Skift survey, showing 40% of Americans say their first post-COVID trip will be by car, within 100 miles of home. 26% will go over the 100 mile mark, but stick to the U.S., and to cars. Only 16% will take a flight; 8% plan to leave the U.S. Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, is fueling the travel local trend, encouraging Americans to focus on domestic vacations this year as the outlook for international trips looks dim.
Travel will be tricky, with all the health protocols in place. So the closer people can stay in their own little secure travel world the better. Which is why Lou Hammond believes cars will be the chosen transportation for most. “The key will be getting out and about, with little planning and without fuss. The family summer road trip may very well return as an important recovery factor. Why? Because the whole family can go, gasoline is plentiful and it seems patriotic to see the USA.”
Smart marketers should plan now for family vacations for all ages, she says, offering “the true American experience.” “This presents opportunities to visit smaller cities with colorful history and culture: Alexandria and Norfolk in Virginia; Charleston, South Carolina; Montgomery, Alabama; Natchez, Mississippi; Paducah, Kentucky.”
For those craving a little European influence, Hammond suggests Santa Fe, New Mexico; Santa Barbara, California; or Providence, Rhode Island. She hopes local travel will prove an economic savior. “Perhaps driving vacationers will be surprised how much America offers and come away with a new appreciation lending support to our needed recovery.”
Read the full Forbes article here.
from Lou Hammond Group https://louhammond.com/2020/05/08/our-founder-lou-hammond-provides-travel-insights-for-forbes/
via https://louhammond.com