Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Our Founder Lou Hammond Provides Travel Insights for The Points Guy

Our Founder Lou Hammond recently provided insights regarding the future of travel to Laura Motta for The Points Guy. See her commentary below

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, your organization and why you love to travel.

A: LHG was founded 36 years ago and we have served the travel community in many capacities over the years. Travel is an indispensable part of our lives and we recognize that, beyond the joy one feels, travel bonds us globally like no other business. It gives us an understanding of the world and cultures that brings us together in the most meaningful way.

Q: When will we be able to travel regionally, domestically and internationally?

A: If I were to know that I would be King Solomon and always win in Vegas. While slowly we are starting to see a “leveling off,” what that really means no one knows. As soon as the green light shines, certainly regional and domestic USA travel will flourish particularly with transportation by car. I remember thinking in the “old days” the drive market was one or two tanks and we should promote appropriately. Today, let’s look at five+ and find a way to introduce multi-destination stops for an enjoyable vacation. Airlines, we just don’t know but always remain hopeful. On the international front, it will take time and that makes me sad for our global partners. However, there will be “pent up” interest and it might happen sooner than we think. Realistically I think the fall but hopefully it can be sooner.

Q: Where are you based?

A: We have offices all over the country but at the moment I’m in Charleston, South Carolina.

Q: Where do you personally plan to go, in each of those categories, for your first trip?

A: We are very fortunate as the South has many small towns to explore in an easy fashion. Speaking of “easy,” that will be key to getting people out and about so planning can be immediate without fuss. Growing up in Texas there was always the family summer “road trip” and this may very well return as an important recovery factor. I suggest smart marketers will plan now for the family vacation to include all ages.

Q: What do you think will change about the way we vacation? (besides staying away from large crowds)?

A: Bottom line, we will be a changed nation seeking perhaps different core values. What that means to travel, I do believe there will be more courtesy, appreciation and that America will be the vacation playground for the immediate future. Value will continue to play an important role abiding by a phrase I coined many years ago, Easy to Go, Easy to book and Easy on the Pocketbook! With people returning to work and offices, they will have little time to plan, so I recommend let’s start organizing now for their upcoming travel. At the end of the day, for sure travel has taken a big “hit” but Americans know they deserve a vacation and my money says they will GO and we will all be pleasantly surprised. Yes, I am counting on that.

Read the full article from The Points Guy here.

from Lou Hammond Group

Friday, April 3, 2020

Zoom in Style

Branded Zoom Backgrounds

The virtual background feature allows users to display an image or video as their background during a Zoom Meeting. Users can also upload their own images or videos as a virtual background. There are no size restrictions when uploading a virtual background but Zoom recommends cropping the image to match the aspect ratio of your camera before uploading it.

Example: If your camera is set to 16:9, an image of 1280 pixels by 720 px or 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels would work well.

Clients can push out images via their social media channels that they would like users to display on their personal virtual calls or meetings. Clients can also set up a ‘virtual party’ instructing their followers to join a video conference with them, using a particular image as the background.

Example Background

How to Upload

  1. Sign into the Zoom desktop application.
  2. Click your profile picture then click Settings.
  3. Select Virtual Background.
    • Note: If you do not have the Virtual Background tab and you have enabled it on the web portal, sign out of the Zoom Desktop Client and sign in again.
  1. Check ‘I have a green screen’ if you have a physical green screen set up (i.e. sitting behind a blank wall). You can then click on your video to select the correct color for the green screen.
  2. Click on an image to select the desired virtual background or add your own image by clicking + and choosing if you want to upload an image or a video.
  3. If prompted, click Download to download the package for virtual background without a green screen.

Zoom Tips

With Zoom becoming a major way that meetings and networking get done in the COVID-19 landscape, here are a few tips to make sure you put your best foot forward when you take your professional interactions online.

  1. Camera Angle:Place the camera slightly above eye level for the most flattering angle. If you’re using a laptop, you may need to raise it up by putting some books underneath it—just ensure its stable and won’t move once your session begins. When it’s your turn to speak, look directly at the camera—right above the person(s) on screen. When someone else is speaking, look at them.
  2. Social Distancing (on Zoom too): Position yourself a comfortable distance from the camera, approximately 3-4 feet. Avoid leaning in too closely. You can gesture as you normally would, just don’t bob around too much, which can be distracting for viewers.
  3. Lighting: Avoid being backlit (no window or bright light behind you), so that you don’t look like a dark silhouette. Position yourself so that your face is evenly lit with natural light (or overhead light that’s not too harsh), if possible.
  4. Audio: Remove yourself from an environment with ambient noise. Use your computer’s built-in speakers for quality and ease. If using a phone, put it on speaker, don’t hold it up to your ear—and be sure the computer mic is turned off to avoid interference. Headphones are also a great option so you can hear better. They also help reduce feedback noise from your or someone else’s computer.
  5. Backdrop:Use this opportunity to say something about yourself but keep it professional. Bookshelves, artwork that’s not too distracting or a wall painted with a solid color are good backdrops to consider.
  6. Relax and Smile:Get comfortable in front of the camera and let people see you are happy to be there.
  7. Internet Connection:Always check your connection before joining a meeting. Make sure you’re connected to Wi-Fi and located near the router for the fastest connection. Keep your phone handy just in case.
  8. Remove Distractions (and potentially sensitive material): On your computer, close out of all documents, email and other applications before you join the meeting. You can also place your cellphone on Do Not Disturb so the noise or vibration doesn’t distract you.
  9. Fist Bumps: For meetings with colleagues, employees or other zoom users, virtual fist bumps go a long way to build unity and togetherness.

We hope you find this resourceful for your virtual meetings. Well wishes from team LHG.

from Lou Hammond Group

Managing Social Media in the Midst of COVID-19

With COVID-19 affecting lives across the world, there’s no denying that it’s also affecting the content we’re sharing on social media as well. Brands are more aware than ever about what they’re choosing to share on their platforms to ensure sensitivity and connection. At LHG, we represent a wide variety of travel, tourism and hospitality organizations, all of whom have been impacted by COVID-19. These are the trends we’re seeing and what we’re recommending for our clients to share on social media during these unprecedented times.

Recommendations on Social Content

  • Virtual Experiences – highlight things that you or your members/partners are doing virtually or in a new way at this time amidst the crisis to provide value for others (Ex: music streams with partners, wellness live experiences with partners or hotel spa directors)
  • Community Updates – share relevant COVID-19 updates or happenings as it pertains to your organization and community
  • Positive/Uplifting Community Stories – share what you’re doing to help the community and/or educate on volunteer opportunities and community outreach (Ex: stories of goodwill from businesses supporting nonprofits or helping healthcare workers, news articles about where/how to volunteer)
  • Local Business Support – let others know how they can support you during this time, showcase those who are offering their goods online or via social media, support hotels/businesses, drive awareness for restaurants
  • Hyper-Local/Nostalgic Content – remind the community of where they live or love to visit and why it’s special, giving them something to look forward to when this is over
  • Live Video – engage with your audience with the help of LHG’s Facebook and Instagram Live Best Practices

Helpful Social Articles

Even amidst this crisis, there is still an opportunity to connect and engage with your audience on social media as well as be a valuable resource for the community in a meaningful and thoughtful way.

Stay safe, all.

from Lou Hammond Group